Celebrating St George’s Day

Whether it’s establishing Nato and the NHS as monuments to our collective sacrifice in the 1940s, or the renewal of our public realm at the start of this century, Labour is at its best when it has celebrated, defended and served the values of our country and its people.

Real patriotism isn’t just about respecting our shared symbols and sentiments. It’s also about serving the country we love. That’s why, after all the changes Keir Starmer has made, this is now a Labour party that will always put country above party.

We know that the Conservative Government, mired in chaos and division, is incapable of saying the same. Under fourteen years of Conservative Government, we have seen our economy trashed, mortgage holders hammered, armed forced undermined, and our union weakened. Some of our proudest national institutions – from the BBC, to the National Trust and England football team – are being denigrated by this Government.

Our changed Labour party is proud of our national identity and ready to serve.


Fixing Our Railways


Conker Distillery Turns 10!